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Gold Price UK in GBP per Ounce


Current Price


Month Change

-4.02% £-63.97

Month high £1,601.31

Month low £1,520.66

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Gold Price UK

The chart above displays the UK gold price per ounce in GBP Sterling (£). Our fast loading chart displays the gold price movements in the UK for the past month. To view the price in a different time frame simply use the text options above to view the UK gold price today, by week, year, or even the live UK gold price.
For many investors gold is considered a long-term investment, and our monthly gold price UK chart offers an excellent balance between a detailed look at the recent fluctuations in the gold price, without the need to worry about the minute-to-minute fluctuations that occur daily.
While the above chart focuses on the UK gold price, it can also be customised to show the current price in Dollars and Euros for comparison. We also offer three different weight options; the standard troy ounce, grams for those with smaller amounts of gold such as jewellery, and kilos for large-scale investors.